
Here is a link to the video from the Wednesday, July 24th Town Hall regarding the Mpower closure. 

Link to the town hall video from 7/24/24:

Office Space

The Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education staff works primarily in a remote capacity, allowing for uninterrupted progress in their work with full access to required systems. To




Phoenix, December 6, 2023 – The Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education took center stage on Wednesday, December 6, as they testified before the esteemed


California BPPE today released a memo targeted at out-of-state institutions subject to requirements for registration with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Recent law changes both

State Seal

2.1.2023 DEAC announces show-cause directive notice to Aspen University. 


For students that attended ITT in Arizona, please see this announcement from the US Department of Education.

ITT Announcement


June 6 2022 Update (NEW LICENSING FEES)

SB1065, signed by Governor Ducey on Monday, June 6, 2022, and is in effect today. 

  • SB1065 - AZPPSE Fee Increase (Governor Ducey Signed) 
  • SB1160 - AZ529