Pre-Licensure Nursing Update

Updated 9/22/21/22 DEAC Statement on Aspen University
Statement from the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). Our board is currently working with DEAC and the U.S. Department of Education on options for students.
For additional questions regarding DEAC, please call 202-234-5100 or email [email protected]. Be sure to provide your full name, program of enrollment, number of credits earned thus far in the program, state of residence, and your concern.
Updated 9/20/22 Voluntary Surrender of Board of Nursing Approval - What happened?
Aspen University’s Arizona prelicensure nursing program has been on probation with the Arizona State Board of Nursing since March, 2022. Recently, Aspen University notified the Arizona State Board of Nursing that it could not meet the requirement in the consent agreement (and Arizona law) of an 80% NCLEX first-time pass rate for the calendar year 2022, and decided to surrender its Arizona provisional program approval (which is like a license).
What will happen now?
Aspen’s Arizona prelicensure nursing program will immediately begin a teach out process, which will be managed mostly by the Arizona Board of Private Postsecondary Education.
This means that the students who are already in the core nursing program, and wish to continue the program, will be permitted to complete the program at Aspen. Questions regarding other options should be directed to the Arizona Board of Private Postsecondary Education.
Aspen may not admit pre-licensure nursing students in Arizona, and the program will close down as soon as all of the current students have exited the program, and no later than September 20, 2024.
I’m an Aspen student and want to understand my options - who do I contact?
More Information will be coming in the next few days. Please continue to check this website for additional information.
The Board of Private Postsecondary Education, along with the program’s accreditor, DEAC (Distance Education Accrediting Commission), will manage the teach out, assist with student transfers, and provide ongoing updates and information.